Something Worth Working For

This week I rededicated my energies to something I love learning about and practicing: web development. While it’s a challenging process for me, I can’t help being drawn to it. It fascinates me. It’s loads of fun!

It’s also frightening because it’s an intimidating field, and I’ve been self-teaching the fundamentals (on and off) for many years all while wondering if I could ever work in the industry.

Today, I’m letting go of that expectation and am simply deciding to do something that makes me infinitely happy. This is for me–not a paycheck (although that would be nice — I’m not ruling it out). And this blog is about documenting my growth and progress, just in case 🙂

It’s likely to be very boring reading…perfect for the insomniacs in my life — nite, nite, sweeties!

I’ll still be here reading and practicing, watching Chris on CSS-Tricks and all the others that inspire me. Because these folks are another major reason I fell in love with webdev (and WordPress). It’s a community that embraces everyone and wants people to join in, to understand, to succeed. To me, that’s the call to something beautiful and something worth working for.

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